Category: Movie Podcast

Episode 72: The Thing

Episode 72: The Thing

Recorded on April 1, 2010. Late. Sorry. We review John Carpenter’s The Thing. Let us know if you like the new addition? Episode 72: The Thing Music by Legbone, Black Wolf Fight and Jay-Z. Check out Jason’s site and Eric’s site. Email Eric or Jason. Episode 72 / Time – 90:35 min. / File Size …

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Episode 70: Serenity

Episode 70: Serenity

Recorded on March 21, 2010. A grueling exercise in endurance. We did it! We broke 90 minutes and did it with no music break! To be fair, we didn’t just review a movie, we reviewed 16 hours of Joss Whedon’s television and film epic called Serenity. This episode is also twice as filthy and inappropriate …

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Episode 68: Below

Episode 68: Below

Recorded on March 7, 2010. Seriously, if I had a beard like that, I’d never leave the house. This week on a haunted episode of Gutter Trash, we review Below, starring Zach Galifianakis and written by Darren Aronofsky. That’s a lot of letters. We also talk about tattoos (again), discount club cards, Bon Jovi, caffeine, …

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Episode 66: Moon

Episode 66: Moon

Recorded on February 21, 2010. Scanning for long range communications… On this spoiler-heavy episode of Gutter Trash, we review the Sam Rockwell sci-fi film Moon. And seriously? About the spoilers? Holy crap do we mean it. If you read this before listening to the episode, for the love of Christ, go watch Moon first and …

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Episode 64: CQ

Episode 64: CQ

Recorded on February 07, 2010. Could we be anymore self important? This week on Gutter Trash, we review the Roman Coppola film CQ. We talk about the Coppola dynasty, discuss nasty bathrooms and predict the Super Bowl score (Jason was close, possibly cheated). We share tales about chaos at the Art Institute, and I get …

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