Recorded on March 13, 2009. Aw Yeah, Titans! This week on an episode that gets right back up on its high horse, the boys try to review the Johnny DC trade Tiny Titans: Welcome to the Treehouse by Art Baltazar and Franco, but mostly just review the Watchmen movie instead. The discussion gets heated as …
Category: Comic Podcast
Episode 20: Teenagers From Mars
Recorded on March 01, 2009. And we don’t care. This week on an episode that wishes it were part of the Comic Book Liberation Army, Jason and Eric discuss Rick Spears and Rob G.’s cult classic comic Teenagers From Mars. In addition to the usual rambly blah blah blah, the boys discuss Mike Diana and …
Episode Fucking 18: Kramer’s Fucking Ergot
Recorded on February 12th, 2009 Been a long time comin’. This is it. The lost episode. It’s been gone for about a year, but, y’know, in the end, who but me gives a shit what I say about David Heatley? Fuck that guy and fuck his comics, and fuck me for making a stink. Here …
Episode 14: Hulk & Thing
Recorded on January 12, 2009. Hulk weep quietly! On an incredibly depressed and bummed out episode of Gutter Trash, Eric and Jason review Jim Starlin and Bernie Wrightson’s 1987 Marvel graphic novel, Hulk/Thing: The Big Change. Nostalgia slaps Jason around like a little bitch, and the boys discuss William Burroughs, Chuck Palahniuk, H.G. Wells and …