Recorded on December 6, 2018. Episode 382: Batman: White Knight The Joker – now known as Jack Napier – embarks on a quest to heal the city he once terrorized. After reconciling with his long-suffering partner, Harley Quinn, he sets in motion a carefully plotted campaign to discredit the one person whom he views as …
Tag: Superhero
Episode 377: Shadowman – Birth Rites
Recorded on July 11, 2018. Episode 377: Shadowman – Birth Rites As the forces of darkness prepare to claim New Orleans as their own, Jack Boniface must embrace the legacy he was born to uphold. As Shadowman, Jack is about to become the only thing that stands between his city and an army of unspeakable …
Episode 376: God Hates Astronauts Vol. 1
Recorded on June 20, 2018. Episode 376: God Hates Astronauts Vol. 1 A group of incompetent, small-minded, super powered narcissists called “The Power Persons Five” are hired by NASA to stop all farmers from launching themselves into space in homemade rocket ships. Unfortunately for NASA, this goal is scarcely even addressed and the book focuses …
Episode 375: The Vision
Recorded on June 7, 2018. Episode 375: The Vision Vision wants to be human, and what’s more human than family? So he heads back to the beginning – to the laboratory where Ultron created him as a weapon. The place where he first rebelled against his given destiny and imagined that he could be more …
Episode 374: Bizarro
Recorded on May 24, 2018. Episode 374: Bizarro Bizarro—Superman’s backward-speaking warped doppelgänger—only wants to be a superhero. But his “help” has left nothing but destruction all through Metropolis, and now the citizens want him out! Sounds like a job for Jimmy Olsen! He’ll lure Bizarro out of the city for good by escorting him on …