Recorded on February 12th, 2009 Been a long time comin’. This is it. The lost episode. It’s been gone for about a year, but, y’know, in the end, who but me gives a shit what I say about David Heatley? Fuck that guy and fuck his comics, and fuck me for making a stink. Here …
Tag: indie comics
Episode 10: Swallow Me Whole
Recorded on December 21, 2008. Mmmm, ranty. This week on Gutter Trash, Eric and Jason review Nate Powell’s latest graphic novel, Swallow Me Whole, rant about Dave Sim and Frank Miller, and how awesome things with textures are. Creepy fun for the whole family! Episode 10: Swallow Me Whole Music by Legbone, Black Wolf Fight …
Episode 5: Devil’s Backbone/Too Cool
Recorded on November 4 & 11, 2008. This week, Eric and Jason discuss politics, puppets and how awesome the X-Men character Mimic is. Somewhere along the line, they review Guillermo Del Toro’s spanish language masterpiece The Devil’s Backbone and Alex Robinson’s latest graphic novel Too Cool to be Forgotten. This episode is dedicated to Bob …
Episode 4: Shiniest Jewel/Last Night
Recorded on October 27, 2008. On the episode that tried it’s hardest to get the running time to a manageable length, Eric and Jason discuss Marian Henley’s graphic novel, The Shiniest Jewel, and Don McKellar’s film Last Night. And for some reason, Hulk # 7, by Jeph Loeb, Art Adams and Frank Cho. Who knew? …
Episode 3: Brain is Hanging/Choke
Recorded on October 14, 2008. It’s the angriest episode yet as Eric and Jason have their first recorded spat as they review the graphic novel My Brain is Hanging Upside Down by David Heatley. Then the guys take another field trip and review the new Chuck Palahniuk adaptation, Choke, and Eric realizes that he’s being …