Recorded on June 7, 2018. Episode 375: The Vision Vision wants to be human, and what’s more human than family? So he heads back to the beginning – to the laboratory where Ultron created him as a weapon. The place where he first rebelled against his given destiny and imagined that he could be more …
Tag: Trade Paperback
Episode 374: Bizarro
Recorded on May 24, 2018. Episode 374: Bizarro Bizarro—Superman’s backward-speaking warped doppelgänger—only wants to be a superhero. But his “help” has left nothing but destruction all through Metropolis, and now the citizens want him out! Sounds like a job for Jimmy Olsen! He’ll lure Bizarro out of the city for good by escorting him on …
Episode 370: Oblivion Song
Recorded on March 22, 2018. Episode 370: Oblivion Song A decade ago, 300,000 citizens of Philadelphia were suddenly lost in Oblivion. The government made every attempt to recover them, but after many years, they gave up. Nathan Cole…won’t. He makes daily trips, risking his life to try and rescue those still living in the apocalyptic …
Episode 369: Animosity Vol. 1
Recorded on March 15, 2018. Episode 369: Animosty Vol. 1 One day, for no reason, the Animals woke up. They started thinking. They started talking. They started taking REVENGE. The world is plunged into chaos as the newly-intelligent Animals fight humanity, and simply fight each other, for their own life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. …