Episode 12: Mighty Love

Recorded on January 2, 2009.

Episode 12: Mighty Love

This week on an episode that Eric can’t remember enough of to write an intro for, the boys show very little love to Howard Chaykin’s relatively obscure graphic novel Mighty Love. It’s the first real episode of the new year! And a stinker to boot. Way to kick off 2009. Give us an i-Tunes review!

Episode 12: Mighty Love

Music by Legbone, Black Wolf Fight and Hank Williams III.

Check out Jason’s site and Eric’s site.

Email The Show, and individually: Eric or Jason.

Episode 12 / File Size – 31mb

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Episode 11: Benjamin Button

Recorded on December 26, 2008.

Episode 11: Benjamin Button

This week on an episode whose ass is sore and really needs to piss, Eric and Jason review the newish film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It’s technically the first episode of the new year! Actually the last episode of the old year. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck? These and other questions are answered within.

Episode 11: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Music by Legbone, Black Wolf Fight and End.

Check out Jason’s site and Eric’s site and blog.

Email The Show, and individually: Eric or Jason.

Episode 11 / Time – 70:31 min. / File Size – 34mb

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Episode 10: Swallow Me Whole

Recorded on December 21, 2008.

Episode 10: Swallow Me Whole

Mmmm, ranty. This week on Gutter Trash, Eric and Jason review Nate Powell’s latest graphic novel, Swallow Me Whole, rant about Dave Sim and Frank Miller, and how awesome things with textures are. Creepy fun for the whole family!

Episode 10: Swallow Me Whole

Music by Legbone, Black Wolf Fight and Seth Kauffman.

Check out Jason’s site and Eric’s site and blog.

Email The Show, and individually: Eric or Jason.

Episode 10 / Time – 63:48 min. / File Size – 31mb

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A Gutter Trash Christmas

Recorded on December 21, 2008.

A Gutter Trash Christmas

Merry fuckin’ Christmas! Here’s your goddamn Christmas bonus. Don’t worry it’s more than what Jason and Eric got this year. We’re givers. Love us for it. Eric and Jason talk about upcoming Christmas plans, presents and comics. It’s essentially the Bullshit Episode, but decorated for the holidays. Plus, it’s second show in one week!

In all seriousness, we hope you have a great holiday, and enjoy the show if you’re starved for entertainment.

Episode: A Very Gutter Trash X-Mas

Music by Mojo Nixon and No Doubt.

Check out Jason’s site and Eric’s site and blog.

Email The Show, and individually: Eric or Jason.

Episode X-Mas / Time – 68:57 min. / File Size – 33mb

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Episode 9: Brick

Recorded on December 7, 2008.

Episode 9: Brick

Like a brick to the motherfucking head! Jason and Eric kinda talk about the neo-noir/high school drama/future classic Brick. Along the way, discussions of the threeboot film Punisher War Zone (third time? not the charm), The Ringer, The Lookout and probably some uncomfortable confessions about personal matters that have no reason being recorded, but were anyway. Tom Cruise plays Hitler!

Episode 9: Brick

Music by Legbone, Black Wolf Fight, and Sparta.

Check out Jason’s site and Eric’s site and blog.

Email The Show, and individually: Eric or Jason.

Episode 9 / Time – 65:39 min. / File Size – 31mb

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