
Busy Busy Busy. Episode 4 will be uploaded by Sunday afternoon. Probably.

Windy City Spectacular

Recorded on October 27, 2008.

Windy City Spectacular

In a weekend road trip to Chicago with a focus on comics, Eric’s biggest Geekgasm occurred by touching the greatest building ever: Wrigley Field. Join Eric and Jason as they discuss their adventure to the Windy City Comicon, and probe further into the depths of their nerdiness.

Episode Windy: Not really an episode.

Music by The Blues Brothers, and Chicago.

Check out Jason’s site and Eric’s site and blog.

Email The Show, and individually: Eric or Jason.

Episode Windy / Time – 30 min. / File Size – 14mb

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Episode 3: Brain is Hanging/Choke

Recorded on October 14, 2008.

Episode 3: Brain is Hanging/Choke

It’s the angriest episode yet as Eric and Jason have their first recorded spat as they review the graphic novel My Brain is Hanging Upside Down by David Heatley. Then the guys take another field trip and review the new Chuck Palahniuk adaptation, Choke, and Eric realizes that he’s being stalked by idiots whenever he sees movies at the theater.

Episode 3: Poorly edited.

Music by Legbone, Black Wolf Fight, The Ramones, and the Misfits (kinda).

Check out Jason’s site and Eric’s site and blog.

Email The Show, and individually: Eric or Jason.

Episode 3 / Time – 85:23 min. / File Size – 39mb

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Episode 2: Umbrella Academy/Burn After Reading

Recorded on September 30, 2008.

Episode 2: Umbrella Academy/Burn After Reading

This week on the slightly better second episode of Gutter Trash, Eric and Jason beg Gerard Way to stop making shitty music and make more awesome comics as they discuss The Umbrella Academy, and the newish Coen Brothers movie Burn After Reading.

Episode 2: Already skirting the 90 minute mark.

Music by Legbone, Black Wolf Fight, DangerDoom, Sublime, Niko Case, and A Wilhelm Scream.

Check out Jason’s site and Eric’s site and blog.

Email The Show, and individually: Eric or Jason.

Episode 2 / Time – 82:40 min. / File Size – 39.7mb

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Episode 1: Astounding Wolf-Man/G-Men from Hell

Recorded on September 16, 2008.

Episode 1: Astounding Wolf-Man/G-Men from Hell

Hey all, welcome to the first episode of Gutter Trash! It’s not exactly the first episode we were hoping for, but it’s probably the one we deserve. For our inaugural show, we review Robert Kirkman’s The Astounding Wolf-Man vol. 1, and Christopher Coppola’s G-Men From Hell.

We’ll get better, we promise.

Music by Legbone, and Black Wolf Fight.

Check out Jason’s site and Eric’s site and blog.
Email The Show, and individually: Eric or Jason.

Episode 1 / Time – 68:05min. / File Size – 32.0mb

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