Recorded on May 9, 2018. Episode 373: The Superman/Madman Hullabaloo! In each of their respective universes, Superman and Madman are involved in scientific experiments, the results of which propel the unsuspecting superbeings into one another’s world. The only thing is, each takes half of the other with him — creating two confused heroes and one …
Tag: Action
Episode 364: Thor – The Mighty Avenger
Recorded on January 4, 2018. Episode 364: Thor – The Mighty Avenger Thrill as Thor battles robots the size of cities! Gasp as he tames the mightiest sea creatures! Swoon as he rescues damsels from the vilest villains! It’s Thor as you’ve never seen him, as the god of thunder tests his might against the …
Episode 362: Sexcastle
Recorded on November 23, 2017. Episode 362: Sexcastle Shane Sexcastle, formerly the World’s Greatest Assassin, has paid his debt to society for killing the vice president. Leaving his violent past (also: prison) behind, he’s decided to settle down and sell flowers in a small, quiet town—but that doesn’t mean he’ll tolerate the fools who think …
Episode 356: The Eternals vol. 1
Recorded on August 26, 2017. Episode 356: The Eternals vol. 1 Jack Kirby reveals a secret history of heroes and horrors as humanity’s cousins, the Eternals and the Deviants, vie to inherit the Earth! It’s a time of titans, terror, and time travel as only The King could conceive! Music by The Melvins and Monster …
Episode 355: Smoke and Guns
Recorded on August 2nd, 2017. Episode 355: Smoke and Guns When Scarlett, an overly ambitious cigarette girl — quick to break the rules and even quicker to pull the trigger — starts selling cigarettes outside of her district, tensions rise and the seeds of an all-out cigarette girl gang war are sown. Music by The …